I’m new here…
Thank you for taking the time to get to know a little more about Union Street Baptist Church!
“Everyone’s welcome because nobody’s perfect, but we believe that anything’s possible.”
USBC is a church that is more than just a weekly worship gathering.
We are a community that centres on the person and mission of Jesus. You may not be a church goer or consider yourself a religious person. Perhaps you have encountered too many overzealous Christians or been put off by what you have seen and heard about Christianity. In the light of this, we promise we won’t try to convert, manipulate or brainwash you (to be honest we wouldn’t know how!).
However, what we would like to do is invite you to come and see what we are about for yourself.
Feel free to look around our site and find out more about us.
Details of our services are on this page and information about other activities and groups that we run
can be found here:
What happens on a Sunday?
Sundays are not all that there is to church...
..but they do play a big part
Each Sunday we have our weekly gatherings at 10:30 a.m. This is a chance
to meet with each other, worship together and reflect on what it means to know God.
Immediately following the service tea and coffee is served in the Friendship Room
at the back of the church where there is an opportunity to chat and continue in fellowship.
Below is some information on what you can expect in these gatherings.
You can expect a warm welcome,
some music designed to provide an atmosphere of worship
and a message to help you think and address real life
and help you find your potential in a relationship with God.
What should I wear?
We want you to feel comfortable. After all, we are thrilled that you’re joining us and want you to be more focused on the service than what you’re wearing. There is no dress code – you will see people in jeans, khakis, t-shirts,
shirts, jumpers, dresses or anything that you might wear out in everyday life.
We think you’ll fit in no matter how you dress.
Where should I park?
The church has a car park at the side of it in Union Street and there is a free public car park next to it.
On street parking is also permissible on Sundays.
Where will my children go?
We see children as part of the family so they normally stay with parents for the first part of the morning meeting
and then leave for their own activities in their own groups when the children’s programmes start.
What about accessibility?
There is a disabled access entrance slope and car park outside, and as you enter the church sanctuary there is another access slope. Inside the sanctuary, there is some wheelchair access.
For those with hearing difficulties, there is a hearing loop available and for those with vision problems there are large print copies of the words to the hymns and songs that are going to be sung during the service.
There is also a wheelchair accessible and baby change toilet available just off the foyer for the disabled and less able and for baby change.
Please feel free to sit wherever you would like to in the church sanctuary upstairs or downstairs.
If you're late, don't worry! For safeguarding and security purposes, the door is secured a few minutes after the service starts at 10:30am. Please ring the bell to the left of the door and someone will come and welcome you in.
What if I'm running late?
Do I have to give?
We do take up a monetary collection but it is for our members and regular attendees.
If you are a visitor or guest, please do not feel like you have to give.
Will I understand what’s going on?
We aim to make our services accessible to as many as possible. If you choose to come along you will find plenty of help and explanation of what is happening.
I’m unsure about this church thing…
You may have questions or doubts. If so, you are in good company…
........this is how a lot of us started out.
Our aim is to make this a place where you can be yourself and explore faith.
So if you have any questions feel free to ask them.
If you have any concerns we are happy to hear them and if you want to just check us out
and not make any commitment that’s okay too.
Whenever you’re ready, we will be happy to talk.